On-demand webinars

EthicsTalk LIVE: Advancing sustainability in...

March 06, 2025 09:00 AM
DLA Piper is partnering with Nordic Business Ethics to host a webinar
on March 6th. Join us for...

Työlainsäädännön ajankohtaiset muutokset

January 16, 2025 09:00 AM
Eduskunta on hyväksynyt muutokset paikallisen sopimisen edistämiseksi
1.1.2025 alkaen ja lisäksi...

Ethics Talk LIVE on AI

October 08, 2024 09:00 AM
Join us on October 8th for an engaging and thought-provoking
experience at EthicsTalk LIVE on...



Työlainsäädännön ajankohtaiset muutokset

March 13, 2025

Eduskunta on hyväksynyt muutokset paikallisen sopimisen edistämiseksi 1.1.2025 alkaen ja lisäksi...


Ethics Talk LIVE on AI

October 08, 2024

Join us on October 8th for an engaging and thought-provoking experience at EthicsTalk LIVE on AI....


VIDEO 5: The voluntary carbon market keeps growing

January 13, 2023

VIDEO 5: The voluntary carbon market keeps growing The voluntary carbon markets are estimated to...


VIDEO 4: Enabling the infrastructure to monetize negative...

January 13, 2023

VIDEO 4: Enabling the infrastructure to monetize negative emissions Our client Puro.earth’s...


VIDEO 3: Being a part of Puro.earth carbon removal ecosystem

January 13, 2023

VIDEO 3: Being a part of Puro.earth carbon removal ecosystem Climate change denial may come from...


VIDEO 2: From emission reductions to carbon removal...

January 13, 2023

VIDEO 2: From emission reductions to carbon removal processes The need for carbon removal from...


VIDEO 1: Rewarding companies for negative emissions

January 12, 2023

VIDEO 1: Rewarding companies for negative emissions Climate change carries on. Promises towards...


Transaktioihin liittyvät viranomaisluvat

February 15, 2023

Yritysjärjestelyihin liittyy usein tarpeita hakea erilaisia lupia viranomaisilta. Tarve lupiin on...