Työlainsäädännön ajankohtaiset muutokset
Eduskunta on hyväksynyt muutokset paikallisen sopimisen edistämiseksi 1.1.2025 alkaen ja lisäksi...
Ethics Talk LIVE on AI
Join us on October 8th for an engaging and thought-provoking experience at EthicsTalk LIVE on AI....
VIDEO 5: The voluntary carbon market keeps growing
VIDEO 5: The voluntary carbon market keeps growing The voluntary carbon markets are estimated to...
VIDEO 4: Enabling the infrastructure to...
VIDEO 4: Enabling the infrastructure to monetize negative emissions Our client Puro.earth’s...
VIDEO 3: Being a part of Puro.earth carbon...
VIDEO 3: Being a part of Puro.earth carbon removal ecosystem Climate change denial may come from...
VIDEO 2: From emission reductions to carbon...
VIDEO 2: From emission reductions to carbon removal processes The need for carbon removal from...